Zone 5: Water Parsnip; American Bur-reed; Other Plant Species may also be found here   Leave a comment

Zone 5

 Table of  Contents

  1. Description of Zone 5

  2. Apiaceae (Parsley Family) Sium suave (Water Parsnip)

  3. Sparganiaceae (Bur-reed Family)Sparganium americanum (American Bur-reed)

1. Description of Zone 5: (32 – 37 Meters along a transect line, perpendicular to the shoreline from the low tide line to the landward marsh edge).

Wild rice, discussed in Zone 3, is the most common plant here along with a few Pickerelweed and Arrowhead plants as well as those shown below.


The two species described here may also live in higher and lower zones. 

***** indicates that the species was not found along the transect line.


2. Apiaceae (Parsley Family) Sium suave (Water Parsnip)



80. Sium suave Water Parsnip White toped Flower with narrow leaves in upper and mid marsh BB August 16 2004

79. Sium suave Water Parsnip BB August 24 2004

Water Parsnip Sium suave Baybridge Landing July 20 and 21 2012 (25) - Copy - Copy

Sium suave Water ParsnipWhite toped Flower 2  with narrow leaves in upper and mid marsh BB August 16 2004

Water Parsnip Sium suave Green Point Dresden July 16 2012 (170)

Water Parsnip Sium suave Green Point Dresden July 16 2012 (172)

Water parsnip is a common, erect plant that grows to about 1 meter in height. Compound leaves with several leaflets extend from the stem. Leaflets are about 6 cm long. Small white flowers are arranged in terminal groups (umbels). Roots extend from the stem into the sediment. Preparations from the plant have been used as an analgesic. The roots are apparently edible in the spring however caution should be used.


1. Compound leaves collect ample sunlight used in the process of photosynthesis.

2. A strong root system holds the plant securely in place.

3. Flowers lie at the top of the plant allowing easy access to pollinators.



3. Sparganiaceae (Bur-reed Family)Sparganium americanum (American Bur-reed)*****



The erect plants are about one meter tall. Long, lance-shaped, flat leaves form sheaths where they join the stem. The flowers extend from a ball giving the appearance of a pin cushion. Roots extend from the stem base into the sediment. Horizontal underground stems (rhizomes) can be extended from the base of one plant and form new plants that are genetically identical to the first. Their seeds provide food for waterfowl.

Bur-Weed Sparganium americanum 3 Curtis Bog Litchfield ME Aug 14 2007 432

Bur-reed (American) Sparganium americanum Green Point June 28 2012  (128)

Bur-reed (American) Sparganium americanum Green Point June 28 2012  (124)


Posted April 8, 2015 by zottoli

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